Help me mommas


Okay so I just had my baby girl on June 7th. I have a two year old son, and a 7 year old son. Our daughter was not planned since my son wasn’t even a year but we were so blessed and joyful to have a new addition. We had a lot of criticism from our family because of how young our son was. They told us we rushed and we shouldn’t have done it and all kinds of stuff. They obviously got over it since it was the first girl from both of our families. Fast forward..

This was my first child that I breastfed so I had to wait to get my period to get on birth control to make sure 100% I’m not pregnant. We have been using condoms for now.

I stopped breastfeeding 3 weeks ago and I still haven’t gotten my period since my daughter was born which was 4 months ago! I got a super light one while I was breastfeeding. I’m legit so scared I am pregnant. My husband is happy that I can be but I don’t even want to share it to anyone or even be true. I don’t want to hear more backlash from our family. I’m usually the one who tells everyone right when I find out and even post it on socials right away. This has my anxiety so high I cannot even be around them. I know at the end of the day it’s between my husband and I but I’m such a family person and they’re important to me. I just don’t think I can handle any criticism or judgment

Just looking for any advice, support, questions.. basically trying to get my mind out of this black hole. Thank you in advance.