Tricare prime/ pregnancy

***UPDATE***- this might help someone.

1st: I called tricare and they told me I am allowed to be seen for my pregnancy off base if my off base doctor puts in the referral.

2nd: I call my doctor off base and they told me base is the one pulling me to be seen at their facility, that I need to call base and have them refuse the referral for on base care.

3rd: I called base, spoke to referral management, they told me this is simple, I need to get the head of the referral dept. to reverse the request to come on base (it's called, 1st right of refusal). That this isn't some way for them to cut costs or because "spaces opened up" or a personal attack, it's just the way their rules are set. So I called the head of the dept. explained my situation, and that I have already established care, (with an obgyn that I love!) There was no push back and he was more than happy to send me back to my original obgyn and told me to call back with any other issues.

Thank you💕 to those who understand my concern for trying to get the medical care of my choice, where I feel most comfortable. For those of you who are happy on base, I'm glad it's working for you and I hope you never experience the traumatic things I have and the complete lack of attention to my medical needs.


I'm going to try and make this simple.

I'm prime, seen by an off base provider (because the hospital is full) now that I'm pregnant, my off base doctor referred me to an off base ob-gyn. Tricare only approved 6 visits (pregnancy is supposed to be 18 visits) now I've gone to the ob-gyn twice. Today in the mail I received a referral to go on base (18 visits) idk who submitted this.

Can they do that? Can I stay with my doctor off base? I am not comfortable with the doctors on base, plus when I tried to get seen there (emergency situation during the hurricane) they told me on 2 separate occasions that they're not taking new patients.


I have been doing this military wive thing for 10 yrs from states to overseas to military doctors to off base. The neglect I have dealt with on base has led me to have back surgery at 26, that wouldn't have been necessary if I was cared for properly. The base hospital has really bad reviews, I even know of a mother that died 6 weeks later on the operating table from internal bleeding when they were trying to fix the mistake on base. I am having a 2nd c-section, I have a very damaged back, and rather have the finest medical. That's why I don't want to be seen on base, and bc my experiences on base for 10 years on and off have been horrible!