Told me being vegan would kill my baby, but she didn't know what vitamins and minerals were 😂

So, being vegan and pregnant is at times stressful. Everyone seems to have something to say, and in this case it was my husband's grandma. I got into a dispute with her the other day because she is convinced my diet is going to starve this unborn child to death. I assured her that my bloodwork came back excelente and that I've been taking the correct prenatal vitamins. "I'm just trying to help you, you can do what you want, I just don't want this baby to die" she tells me.

Week later, she finds this tiny kitten and is trying to feed the poor thing bacon and cow milk. I softly tell her that the kitten will get sick on that diet, and she should probably search for some kitten replacement formula so the kitten will get the proper vitamins and minerals. She looks at me blankly and says "what are you taking about, what are vitamins and minerals?"

I know she is very back woods country but I never expected her not to know what vitamins and minerals were. Bless her heart I love her but it took everything I had not to laugh.

Morel of the story, if you don't know what vitamins and minerals are then you shouldn't be giving diet advice to a pregnant woman.