Bottle Feeding Struggling?

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

My little guy is basically full term now. Thursday, Oct 18 is his due date. (He was born at 27 weeks) He's been working on bottle feeding since Sept 22nd, so almost a month. He took his entire first bottle (36mL). Now, he's getting 48mL but he's only taking between 15 and 25 from a bottle and getting the rest through a feeding tube. There was a day he took all of 3 out of 8 bottles. He also took 44 from one a couple nights ago.

How long did it take your little preemie to learn to eat? I'm looking for answers preferably from mom's who have had "long term NICU babies" or babies with similar issues to mine. He gets the concept of bottle eating, he does great with it. His issue is keeping the energy up to finish the whole bottle, or to even wake up to eat. If he does wake up he only takes it for about 10 minutes then falls back asleep. If it isn't care time and he wakes up on his own, he will stay awake for 1 or 2 hours, then all I have to do is put the bottle in his mouth and he's back to falling asleep.

Did (s)he eventually get it or did (s)he need some intervention to help? If so, what was done different?

The reason I'm so frustrated is, it's the last thing he has to do to go home. He has to take full feeds, every 3 hours from his bottle. I understand it takes time. I just wanna know if it's normal for him to be struggling like this, and if there's anything I can maybe do to help him, or suggest to the nurses?