Due Date!

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

Today is my little pumpkins due date! Just wanted to share and be excited about it. Feels like it's taken forever to get here. He will also be 3 months old on Tuesday :) Still in the NICU but hoping not much longer!

Birth to 3 months old prints.

My little guy :) gotten so big, he doesn't

even look like the same baby!

3 months ago, look how small he was at 2 1/2lbs!! Now he's a 6 1/2lb chunky butt!

The marks in the last pic are from when they had to revive him, he stopped breathing when the cord was cut. Took them 40 mins to stabilize him. I'm so lucky he's here....