No more count down to home 😭😭

Jaime • Mommy to two beautiful baby boys and three angels and one more little bundle on the way ♥️💕♥️

My 34 weeker has been doing so good we were told we could look at bringing him home Sunday. Well yesterday i got a call I was dreading. And the dr said he can’t come home he ended up desat w/a Brady episodes a few different times and then started having a hard time eating again. He has become extremely sluggish and is just worn out so we also put the tube back in. My heart is broken for my baby. I feel broken myself as well. And we have been there for 10 days but will be there longer because he cannot come home until he can handle feeds, gain weight and be desat/Brady free for 5 full days on the monitor. I know he will come home but as I watch all the other moms leave with their babies I cannot help but be a little jealous and cry. I wonder when it will be our turn...?