Could I be?

According to my other menstruation app, I had unprotected sex on the second to last day of my fertile window. (Unintentionally) my cycles are never the same they range from 30-44 days. However the day after the sex I felt cramping. I also noticed my breasts getting sore. I always get that as a pms symptom. I freaked out and took the plan b on the third morning. I am on anxiety medication and very depressed, right now is not a good time for a baby. The calendar says I'm due on the 13th. I've been taking urine tests the early response ones, all negative. I even had a blood test and that was negative today. But I am so nauseous and have been peeing a lot. I am 5 days till my next period (if it's accurate this month) but I don't know if I conceived, am waiting for implantation? I'm so scared and the waiting is killing me?? What do you think? The calendar was wrong and I'm just getting my period with an extra dose of hormones from the plan b???