3 days late

Kala ♑️ • 18. Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Taurus rising. Tarot card girl. Avoiding pregnancy. College freshman.
Hi all, I would really like a bit of support from you ladies also not TTC. I'm 18 years old and my boyfriend and I have only been together for two months but we're serious about each other. I previously posted about my paranoia that I could possibly be pregnant because he and I got carried away and only used the pull out method during my fertile window. Now im three days late for my period and I've been experiencinng nausea and strange dreams accompanied by other pms symptoms. I'm planning on testing in 3 or 4 more days if I don't get a visit from aunt flow before then. Please keep me in your thoughts- I cannot afford having a child right now and if im pregnant the only option for me is abortion which breaks my heart because I really love my boyfriend and ive always wanted to be a mother but it's just not feasible as I am a college freshman on scholarship for dance. Thank you for reading my little rant and thank you for any support you choose to comment with, I really need it right now.