Implantation bleeding or period?


My specialist thinks I might have pcos due to irregular menstrual cycles but not sure. My last period was around Sept 14th. I did not ovulate until CD 26 (oct 8th and first ovulation since off depo last year). I am currently 9 dpo. since last Friday I started getting really sore, tender breast/nipples, feeling really bloated with some cramps (usually when I get cramps before period, I will only feel it in my lower abdomen but this time I feel it all over up to my lower chest) espec on my right side on my pelvis, nausea on and off.

When I wiped, i noticed spotting, more brownish with some clots. But not enough blood to need a tampon or anything. I am confused if this may be implantation bleeding or the start of my period. Anyone had similar to this?