Social anxiety x10 HELP


Hello ladies!

I suffer from really bad anxiety and due to me moving, I have to find a new job. I am 20 years old and have worked full time for the last 4 years of my life. My first job was a cash job at a salon and when things went south, I walked into a Chinese restaurant & got hired literally right then and there. Now the time has come I need to find a new job closer to my home and my anxiety makes me not even want to answer my phone. I want a new job, I need a new job, but the fact of an interview scares the SHIT out of me. Any tips or self affirmations you say to get through the door and not have w full blown panic attack during an interview? Thank you xoxo 💋

Update: you ladies helped so much!! I got the guts to call one of them back & went in for an interview. For 2 days I practiced questions, how to sit properly, everything. Wasn't even in there for 10 minutes, and he asked me why I didn't apply for a higher position and contiuned to tell me "I really want to hire you". I had to job when I walked out the door!! Now first day nerves I know I'll have, but don't we all? Thank you so much for all your wisdom and advice and I will keep remembering it all for the first day and onward for interviews in the future ❤💋