Anniversary disappointment


So gals,

Back story

me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years. We currently live together. Last year on our one year anniversary I planned this big day out. We went to this motorcycle museum, we went to eat, to the mall, and then to this comedy club. All of this was about 2-2 1/2 hours from out home, this was a morning to night trip. I payed for everything, I wanted to spoil him. He sent me flowers to work that year and bought me a little stuffed giraffe. And when we went to the mall he bought me a sweater I was looking at. I don’t believe I got any sweet message that morning, which I’m not complaining. We bickered the way home, but then again it was a long day and the comedian was drunk so I was really mad about it and probably started the fight.


This year we decided no presents just cause he just bought this house and he’s not been saving as much as he needs.

I told him last weekend I wanted to go eat for our anniversary since we weren’t doing presents (reasonable right?) I wasn’t gonna make him pay. Well the next day his little buddy decided that he wanted to throw a party and I told my bf I didn’t wanna go cause I was fed to go eat. He said why don’t we just go do breakfast one day (which I explained I couldn’t due to work) instead and I said no and why and he said well I don’t wanna go eat dinner and I said I doncause our anniversary and he said AND I QUOTE “I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this” oh girl, let me tell you I was MADDDDD. Well little ole me, having the dumb ass mind set that I do. Just assumed he would sent flowers again this year. Nope. Maybe a sweet message? Nope. A post on Facebook (which was far fetched). Nope Maybe a conversation when he got home from work...?? (I mean come on?) NOPE, he sat in THE OTHER ROOM ON HIS PHONE. I tried to call for his to come in the bedroom (cause I was doing hw) and he said he didn’t wanna come in there. So I went in there and tried to talk to him and basically was talking to a brick wall. I barely even got a KISS when he went to sleep.

Should I confront him? And if so what should I even say?? It’s only been a day so ya girls still pretty pissed.