Baby made dad cry

ChristiSue • * Dog Mom * Coaches wife * Boy mom Oct 2018 *

My husband is over 6 feet tall and 240ish lbs, athletic build. Bushy beard, football loving, mans man. I’ve seen him cry maybe once!

Apparently he cried when our son was born but of course I was crying and in the moment didn’t notice.

Well the other day we had to get blood drawn on our 10 day old. Our little guy barely flinched when they stuck the needle in him, but dad on the other hand.... He had to step out for a few seconds. He was choking back tears. I thought it was the sweetest thing to see that side of him. He said he just doesn’t like seeing poor August getting stuck like that.

In a way it made my love for that man even deeper than it already is! 💙 Just had to share somewhere.