Public schooling for children with disabilities


There is a big debate in my community about where to fit in children with special needs into the public school system.

1. When I was in school 15 years ago the special needs children had their own class within the school. High functioning children were placed part time in class with all other kids and part time in a smaller setting within the school with other high functioning kids. Low functioning children were in a special classroom at all times.

2. Currently they have placed all special needs children into normal classrooms with non special needs children and supplied a teaching assistant to the classroom. High functioning, low functioning and the non special needs children all in the same classroom. Special needs children are removed at times for specific therapy on a rotating schedule.

It has been proposed if parents have an issue with #2, the current plan, they have the option to pay for private schooling.

It has also been proposed we return back to #1.

What do you think is the better plan?

Should parents of special needs children be obligated to pay for private schooling for their children?