I don’t know what to do

So I’ve been with my partner for 8 years, he proposed to me on my birthday this year. We made little plans in the past as we have talked about marriage and but all of a sudden he doesn’t seem to be contributing in making plans or seems to be putting things off. Then all of a sudden when I mention about planning our wedding, he says ‘do we really have to be married, it’s only a piece of paper’

I’m not sure weather because his parents have divorced but it’s been just over 4 years now. When I’ve said so what’s the point of proposing if your not into getting married or are unsure, he says because he knows that I’ve wanted marriage.

I don’t know what’s gotten into him but when I do suggest things about the wedding he would have a input one day then the next time he doesn’t say anything or doesn’t have an input. We have had our ups and downs as all relationships have. Part of me wants to just cancel all plans and not bother but I do love him and want to be with him 😩