

I met my love the April before I turned 13 years old and we became instant friends. As we got older we became best friends. I was afraid to date him because I felt I would lose my friendship. I valued that so much because he was the only person I felt I could be myself with.

As the years grows we stayed friends throughout our marriages. We had a long standing joke that if we get to 40 and none of us had children we would do it together.

Fast forward to 40 and we are single and decided to give it a try to be together as a couple and start our family since none of us has children, which we desperately desired. It was hard as we lived in different states and our lifestyles were different. The thing is that we both loved God and he was apart of our lives.

We have being trying for two years now and nothing. No rewards. We have had endless heartbreaks and disappointments. We have spent all of our savings to do this. Here we are again and after all the cost and now no insurance we have to find $5083 for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> meds and we can’t afford it. As I get older I feel like my chances of having a baby are going away. At 40 the doctor said it was a uphill challenge. I love children so much and would love to have one. My mother’s wish before she passed last year was for me to have a baby.

I am all cried out. Heart breaks daily as I see all my friends and family with their own children. 😭