🎶 “Let’s talk about the potty, baby”🎶

Soooo.... the potty training hath begun this side. Before you wax lyrical about not being ready by age 4, I call BS - do some basic googling & you’ll find it’s only our beautiful US of A that thinks like that. #diapersarebigmoney Did they have diapers in the cave? I think not.

But... and it’s a big butt... how do define potty trained? I’m potty trained - I go to the bathroom when I feel I need to, take down my pants without help, sit for the required time and wipe up perfectly every time. Somehow I don’t think my 20 month old can manage this.

So how do you define potty trained or are there levels or what?

95% of the time, our daughter will tell us when she needs to pee or poop, she runs to the potty but we have to take down her pants. Then she does her thing and we wipe or she wipes the pee. But sometimes pee escapes a little before she gets there. Sometimes she is too busy playing and poos her pants. 🤣 Annnnd I have no idea how to deal with this when shopping!!! So we use pull ups.

Is this right? Are we okay? Help people please! Hints & tips please. Some prayers maybe. And your definition of potty trained.

