Coffee shop age limit.


I came across an article that reports Costa (UK Coffee shop) has introduced a rule to refuse the sale of caffeinated drinks to under 16’s. This is not a law, but simply up to each individual store’s discretion. If this is enforced in all branches, minors will only be able to purchase decaff beverages.

This comes after major supermarkets banning the sale of energy drinks to under 16’s. The government is set to ban the sale of energy drinks to minors throughout the UK, saying: “Restricting the sale of these drinks is another bold step needed to turn the tide on childhood obesity.”

Some people argue that the government are on a “ban a day” mission, saying it’s “becoming depressing, first shock collars, then plastic bags now caffeine”

On the other hand, people are agreeing, stating caffeine is a stimulant and not for regular consumption in adults, let alone children.

What are your thoughts?