Home on Oxygen?

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

I'm so nervous about bringing my son home.. he's gonna come home on oxygen. When he did the room air trial, he did amazing breathing. No dropping his oxygen saturation or heavy breathing but he wore out really quickly while eating and lost weight. So it's not exactly life or death in need of oxygen. It's what they're calling weight maintenance oxygen. He lost weight because he wasn't eating enough. And they don't wanna keep him any longer if being on the oxygen is the only difference in him eating. We've already been here 3 months. They said he could need it for a few more months before he's able to keep the endurance on his own. Now he's back on it and eating better so as long as he keeps on, and the equipment comes in when it should, he'll be home next week. I'm nervous. Anybody have experience with this? My state doesn't give out heart monitors unless it's absolutely necessary because people weren't returning them, so he'll have a pulse oximeter.

I posted this in Early Arrivals as well.