Am I being negative?

I'm feeling very cheated out of time from my bf and he thinks I'm being negative about it. Let me explain why I feel the way I do. My bf and I live in different states to far to visit for just a weekend. He is also in the Navy. I went to visit him in February before he was deployed. Original plan just the 2 of us and a few days at his parents... well his ex threw her crap in the mix and "went out of town for work" so he had his daughter all week. I understand I get it hes a parent things happen. I was upset a little bit I'm not gonna lie. A month later he left on deployment. I couldn't be there I have no vacation. (Feel really bad about it) fast forward to hes back from deployment which I still couldn't be there. Even if I did have time off they changed his coming home time so much I would have already been back home by the time he made it back. Here it is going into month 3 of him being home I still haven't gotten to see him because hes in the process of buying a house, dont forget his daughter's birthday last month. I understand. He tells me today that he was thinking of coming up Thanksgiving week because his daughter is off and he has her. We talked about him coming up for a extended weekend which my part time job I can get Saturday and Sunday off. Well with Thanksgiving week the days he would be driving would be the days I can get off. I can't get off work during the week. I get out at 5 and I have to share what very little time I have. I really do appreciate being able to see him and I'm grateful I really am but i feel very cheated because everyone else got their time with him before and after deployment and the only time I get I have to share. Do I have the right to be upset or am I being negative about it like my bf says?

Update* Thank you ladies for your input. I'm not angry with him and I'm glad he's a good dad. I 100% love that he his. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when I don't get time alone with him or the fact that I have only seen him one week in the past year. It is healthy to have some alone time in a relationship. I know a military relationship is hard add long distance on top of it makes it worse. I just miss him a lot.