9 week old and sleep... HELP!!


Hello mommies!

I need some impute from you all! I'm a FTM and so very new to this wonderfully strange world of motherhood.

At about 7 weeks, my daughter was sleeping through the night, though, not consistently. Around 8 weeks, she was sleeping more consistently through the night. I'd say 3-4 days out of the week sleeping from 11pm to 4, 5, 6, 7 am. She'd sleep practically all day too! Sleep begets sleep, right!? Lol she was on a great schedule! She was happy and this mommy was happy!

Yesterday there was a mom to mom sale that my hubby and I wanted to go to. I completely forgot about it so when my daughter woke up around 6am (per her usual schedule) I changed her, fed her, and put her back to bed around 7am. Well my hubby woke up and got ready to leave and I made the decision (a horrible one I'd find later on that night) to wake her up. This was around 8:30am. I know, I know. NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY. I know. But I did and she was happy, smiley, talkative, and very alert. No tears. So I didnt think anything of it.

As the day went on, she missed her mid morning nap bc we were at the mom to mom sale. We went to two different ones so she didn't get much sleep from the time I woke her up until the time we got home around 1. I mean, she took many cat naps. I'd say 4 cat naps at about 20 minutes each.

The day progressed and well she DID NOT nap. We tried. But gunny wanted her to sleep on him so as he laid there watching TV, she laid there on his chest ducking on her binki and watching TV with him. We were hoping she'd be tired enough to just zonk out. Boy oh boy were we wrong. She took about a 1.5 hour nap on him. Then later that night she fell asleep on me for about 2 hours.

Bedtime routine roles around and she's asleep at her typical time, 11PM. She wakes at 1 and I get her up, change her, feed her, and put her back to bed around 2. She wakes up around 4 and she's back to bed around 4:20am. She woke back up around 6 and I've just now put her back to bed around 7:51am. She is SO TIRED. Oh, and she's not draining my breast either. She eats until it's about 3/4 of the way drained and then pulls off (this is how she tells me she's done). So I swaddle her back up and offer the breast one more time. If she latches, she eats. If not, I put her in her bed.

I know I royally fudged up by waking her while she was sleeping but is there any hope I can her back on her normal schedule? Why isnt she draining my breast at feedings when she used to drain it and sometimes start on #2???

She is still her happy, smiley, laughing self.