

I'm experiencing a major wave of loneliness lately and I'm not too sure what to do. All I know is it's making me downright miserable.

I'm currently in a long process of moving countries. Right now I live in a European country (just graduated from uni here) where I do not speak the national language. This means that I've always had difficulty making friends because the international students would frequently get excluded from events ect purely for the reason of being international and not being able to communicate with the locals. Additionally, since I realized I wanted to move, I completely stopped making all effort in making new friends (my fault, I know).

I thought I'd move in September. Now it's November and still no sure date, because I haven't found a house in the new country and I really don't want to end up homeless. The friends that I do still have here are continuing their studies in a different city, living and enjoying their life whereas I can't easily see them and am spilling tears every single day 😔

Just wanted to share my feelings. Any tips on combating loneliness would be very helpful as well. Thank you for reading till the end 💕