Would you help?

So my in-laws have hit a rough place financially, and my husband has hinted that we should help out.

I am honestly totally against it. My in-laws have never been careful with money, never budgeted, and just spend how they please but are in lots of debt from loans for college, business, new vehicles, and possibly more.

I agree that they took a big hit financially. FIL lost the insurance payout for one of his main patients (he’s a chiropractor).

But I don’t think it’s our responsibility to help them. My husband and I barely get by as it is. We have Christmas coming up (we both have large families) and my inlaws have cut back on some things but still pay for lots of unnecessary things like cable, unlimited internet, unlimited phone and tablet services, monthly subscriptions like Netflix, Spotify, other technology stuff, buying treats for an entire varsity football team of a 6A school, and a few MLM companies.

Would you help them out? If so, how much would you give? They still have 2 kids at home. But the mom doesn’t want to work because it’s “not convenient”, and the dad only works 1-2 days per week.