Wedding ceremony

Hey everyone,

So i went to this wedding over the weekend and man was it horrible! I just need to vent! So no one but close family was invited to the ceremony which i understand completely, reception started at 6, well i should say dinner started at 6, some guest were invited to dinner at 6 and some guest were invited just to DJ and desserts from dinner starts at 6, brides husband is there and eats, bride goes up and says speech and thank you To guest, groom leaves the room and is nowhere to be found!! MOH,and BM and FOB, make speeches groom is nowhere to be found... groom enters room when speeches are over, sat down to watch father daughter dance, and then gets up again and goes MIA....They did no first dance, no groom and mother dance. No cake cutting..during dancing groom is again nowhere to be found, bride walks in and out of reception hall all night most of the night I’m assuming is catering to her missing groom!! Then the kicker, she comes up and gives everyone hugs at 9pm!! Saying they are leaving cause she’s tired!!! How the hell are you gonna leave your own reception an hour early, especially when you invited people to celebrate with you only from 8-10!!! I can’t even!! I felt like the entire night we were getting a huge FU I DONT WANT TO BE HERE from the groom, give me your gifts I’m out!!! Am i wrong for feeling that way??