Should I buy the shoes?

I've been vegetarian for 11 years and I started a vegan lifestyle back in February. It's been hard on my husband because he's carnivorous, but he's been really thoughtful. I changed all our items cruelty free in the house and I only fix vegan meals at home. He sometimes will go buy himself meat to add to his dish, but he's been really nice to me about this and I know this was a big change.

So Christmas is coming. He never asks me to buy things for him that he knows I'm uncomfortable buying. But last week, he said "I don't know what you were planning on getting me for Christmas, but I'd really love a new pair of boots. And I'd like them made with the real leather, please." What am I going to do? I love him so much, he never complains or asks for anything, but he knows that's 💯% against everything I believe in. I feel stuck. What should I do?

He really has his heart set on these particular pair of boots and I feel like a terrible wife for not wanting to get them for him. I also feel like a terrible human being for considering putting my husband's wants over a life that would have to be taken. I just don't know what to say to him.