Thursday my bf came to see me ( I live in dorms he loves an hour away ) ... and for one reason or another he brought up his financial situation and ask me if I can loan him 150 that he’ll give back to me on the 16th pay day.. since that’s how much he was short on rent (due to over draft fees ) . I was reluctant ( not because he won’t pay me back, but I’ve been loaning him this X amount and he’s been paying me back . Since August it’s been like every month.) because idk.. something just ain’t rest considering how he’s gone out like 2x a week with his friends 🤷🏿‍♀️and idk whose footing the bill 🤔 . So I’m like whatever. Then Saturday he called me saying how he hates to bother me but he was talking to his sister and their brother called from their islands saying he needs 20$ to take his final exam.(in the islands you pay for your classes and each individual exams(Haiti) ) and his sister don’t have the money and neither does he.. can I help him out and he’ll pay me back not on the 16th but by the 27. I didn’t out right say no.. but I went to sleep and then in the morning he called me like 10xs I didn’t even pick up thexall I just sent the money. This was Sunday. So today TUESDAY I’m on the phone with him and he’s on his way home from work and he tells me that he is going to catch a couple of drinks with his coworkers . CATCH A COUPLE OF DRINK WITH HIS COWORKER. Don’t you need money for that?

Then he tells me he’s off tomorrow but he doesn’t have enough gas to make the journey to come see me.. and his tank is low .. so he’s going to try to minimize the mount of trips he takes with his car since he has enough gas to get him back and forth to work one more time. Then he tells me how he’s going to ask one of his co workers for 20$ to do gas for the remaining weeks ...

I’m just trying to figure out HOW IS HE ABLE TO GO GET DRINKS WITH COWORKERS.. but he can’t afford gas ? 😶

It’s been 3 years and he’s always been very vocal about his finances.. since he now has more bills to pay ( car and car insurance , rent etc) money has been tight for him... and he hasn’t done anything to increase his income .