🦃🎄 How to best turn down multiple holiday gatherings?


I know, I know, it’s the holidays and a time of year where families can gather. I get it. But I am SO SICK of attending multiple family gatherings. It’s stressful keeping track of my now two year old, and it’s equally stressful for him when distant relatives he doesn’t know are in his face, trying to pick him up, etc. Not to mention my MIL who thinks he needs to be shown off as if he’s a trophy (she doesn’t do this with any of her other 5 grandchildren but that’s another rant...). I’m thinking of cutting it back to one family gathering per each side (one for my husband’s side, one for my side). How do I best respond to these? How do we politely decline? Dealing with the wrath of my MIL will be the biggest struggle... My family completely understands so I’m not worried about their reaction. I should also add that I’m 32 weeks pregnant so my patience for bullshit is at an all time low. The thought of listening to ppl argue over politics, getting badgered about how much or how little I’m eating while pregnant, and having my already terrified 2 year old whisked from the arms of myself or my husband by relatives he doesn’t know is already making me nauseous and anxious.