What would you do? Am I being crazy?

Yes I've posted about this before but I'm looking for some opinions.

Two of my brothers live with my parents. One smokes cigars outside only...sometimes in the garage. The other one vapes. I thought he only vaped outside but I just found out he vapes in his bedroom every morning before work. The rest of the day he vapes outside.

I'm incredibly angry because i always coordinate with my brothers to make sure they smoke out in the driveway when I'm there with my daughter, but nobody ever thought to tell me that someone vapes in the house! I've visited very many times since my daughter was born and I'm so upset she was potentially exposed to third-hand vape residues. I never would have brought her there had I known. She's only 3 months old.

Now I don't know what to do. I want my daughter to develop a great relationship with her grandparents and uncles but I know my brothers aren't going to quit smoking (I don't expect them to). I refuse to bring her over there anymore knowing that someone vapes inside the house. I'm also just not comfortable having my other brother smoke cigars outside because a little bit of the smoke smell sometimes gets into the house under the doors and such. I don't want my daughter exposed to that...especially so young. :( I also feel like I shouldn't accept gifts for my daughter if they sat at my parents' home because the items likely have residue on them.

Am I being crazy and over-the-top? What would you do?