Being a Woman who feels weak


So after being single for 3 years And only knowing my daughters father I decided to start dating. I meet a guy, when we first started we were going out all the time I would sometimes pay because that’s how I am. But most times him. But I would be the one driving an hour to see him because his car was unusable. So he ends up leaving his job and whatever he was already acting crazy but I still would go down to see him. So obviously we stoped going to eat out because I ended up getting pregnant by him 😩🤦🏽‍♀️ and couldn’t stomach things. So I’m making the drive to stay there the weekend to only deal with crazy ness. Then to sometimes like an asshole pay for a little $5 bag here and there. I got him a $30 sweater because I thought it would look cute. When my car broke down I ended up wasting $40 to pay for gas so he can come to see me and bring him back home. That’s not even the mental time that was wasted. He constantly accused me of cheating like this dude was seriously bugged out. Then would post lord knows what about me on his FB never even made it known that he was in a relationship and would only complain when he finally decide to post something. Then starts talking to another girl in which plan Jane it’s obvious he just never stopped trying to talk to other girls. That’s not even including who knows what he told people about me. I felt like he wasn’t really in and wasn’t into me or the relationship he just liked the sex. All this in 3 months. But I’m just surprised and mad at myself for allowing this, to dealing with it. And I get mad even more thinking maybe if he stops smoking he can actually be better and actually be a man. I feel so dumb. I kinda want him to pay but I also don’t even want anything to do with him. How many girls had he been like this? Am I the only one he’s taken it this far with. What if he only acted like this because men can sense when a women is venerable and weak. Would he treat the next better? I just can’t believe this happened and I dealt with it. I wish someone would put his bs on blast sometimes, maybe it’ll save another women the mess. Sorry I just had to let it out. Why do we deal with some things? Trying to learn how to become a strong women.