weird symptoms?


Okay so I've had my mirena in since July of this year. No problems so far, I absolutely love it! In October my period was very light and short, I actually forgot when it started and ended but I'm think it was around 10/12. So this week rolls around, on 11/5 I had a headache, nausea and just body aches. Then the next day, I almost passed out during work. I've had severe headaches on and off and have been dizzy as well since then. I've also had mild cramps and veeeerryy light spotting. This is around the time my period would be coming but so far nothing. Someone tell me I'm not crazy? Are these all normal issues, or should I call my OB? I am going to see my primary next week, but I was wondering if I should just see my OB in case of etopic pregnancy or anything else.