VERY low HCG after IUI

This is a first for me so any help is appreciated...

After my 3rd

<a href="">IUI</a>

I patiently waited out the tww. I tested a couple times to see if/when the trigger was out of my system. (It was out 9dpt). I had brown spotting starting 10dpiui for 5 days. I then had a red full flow and called my doc to start all over again for #4.

Went and had my ultrasound, figured out our plan for the upcoming cycle and labs.

Doctor called me an hour later and said do not start meds, you have a HCG level of 4 which is very low and we need to do labs again today.

Well today HCG is at 5.

So I have to do labs again on Monday.

It’s more then likely a chemical pregnancy but what does this mean for my next cycle? This is the first time I’ve had this happen!!