Clomid ovulation date


So 3 months ago my gynecologist confidently told me upon prescribing me my first cycle of Clomid 50 mg days 3 to 7 that it will move my usually cd 19 or cd 20 ovulation up to around cd 15... well first cycle of Clomid 50 mg I got my positive opk cd 20 and felt ovulation around cd 21... I got my period 6 days later at 7 dpo so that was weird as eff.. I usually have a 33 days cycle but had a 26 day cycle

Well after I called the nurse to get my second prescription of Clomid she was shocked that they it didn’t move up my O date and insisted it just didn’t work for me but they will bump me up to 100 mg as they planned and that should do the trick...

Well this cycle was Clomid 100 mg.. once again go my positive opk at cd 19 and felt intense O pains cd 20 and 21 🤦🏻‍♀️ but the good news is I feel something happening for sure since cd 12 my ovaries hurt and felt like they were producing follicles but once again it didn’t move up my O date.. I wonder what this is about and if someone can relate.. the gyno and nurse seem confident that it should move up my stubborn O date