

Ok so I took my first round 50mg, days 5-9. My cycles are usually right around 26 days. I'm supposed to start today...nothing as of yet. I've had a few symptoms but hard to tell because last week I had the flu and this week a chest cold. The most noticeable has been the super sensitive nipples, I usually just have tender boobs. I have them pierced and it kinda feels like if they get infected but they aren't I've cleaned them multiple times and its never both at the same time. I also normally have severe cramps but this time just very mild along with lower back pain. I can't find a straight answer as to whether or not clomid will delay your period. Anyone have any input? I feel like I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure it out. I have not tested yet just see if my period will show

Thanks for the input! Unfortunately AF made her appearance shortly after I made the post. Go figure, I must've jinxed myself by mentioning it! LOL🤣