I am soo desperate..


My partner is trying to buy a house. His offered was accepted. 4 days later the inspector went in to inspect the house. Few days later our realtor told us we had to go meet up with the mortgage loan officer, to sign disclosure papers. (That was a sunday) He told us we were going to get the papers by email and had to sign. Monday he said we might not get nothing bcuz of veterans day(nobody works that day) So he said check email on tuesday. Tuesday came and Nothing, today is wednesday and NOTHInG. I called him in the afternoon to se what happened and he said he was going to check his computer what happened and then call me. Its been 3 hours and NOTHING, my partner called the realtor and texted him but hasnt answered. Im soo overwhelmed over this, what could happen??? We both loved this home that we put an offer on.. pleasee..