Flaxseed oil pills

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:
My supply Is pretty pathetic. I have been taking fenugreek pills, and it helped a little. I mainly pump for my twin b baby. Twin a has his days of only wanting a bottle so I have to pump but I do not make enough to feed just one baby. I get less than an oz for both breast combined. It's sad. I was getting 4-6 oz each breast, and now this. They are 12 week old, chunky little things. I have tried breaking baby a from bottles and trying to keep him only breast, but he's so stubborn that he will refuse for hours. They both are very stubborn. Will the flaxseed oil pills help? I was going to get the regular flaxseed stuff, but I saw this next to the fenugreek and figured 'why not'.