Why the hell do we wanna grow up so fast?

I turn 20 on Saturday and that makes me wanna cry!!! I wanna be 15 again so bad and I can’t believe I’m saying this! Because my entire childhood I couldn’t wait to be an adult... and when all the adults would tell me “honey no, stay a kid as long as you can” I was always thinking fuck that! I’m gonna be grown and I’m gonna love every minute of it! I’m not even grown I would say, but still I just hate it 😭😭 I couldn’t fucking wait to get out of high school and now I’d do anything to have another go around. Young ladies on here, enjoy everything you have! Even if life isn’t great, just try to find gratitude for the ease of it. I’m not saying young people don’t go through shit, I went through it ALL! But just not having to pay bills, being around my mama and family everyday. Thinking that you can change world. Not fully understanding the harsh realities of our society. Ugh I miss it😩 but let me just be greatful I’m getting another year