When to try


My wife and I are asame sex couple TTC at home insemination with frozen donor sperm. This is the second time we are trying at home. I have seen some varying information about when to start trying based on the fertile window, much of which says to try over a wider span of time than what we can accomplish with the limited supply of donor sperm we can afford. We can try two times in a fertile window.

When we tried the first time, two months ago, we baby danced one day after her positive opk and the morning after that. We've been testing with opk's at night so for that first attempt she got a positive at about 10 p.m. and the following evening around 6 p.m. we tried, as well as the next morning.

Since we are using frozen sperm that doesn't live as long as fresh I'm wondering if that was too late. I'm thinking maybe this time we should try on the day of the positive opk and the next morning.

Her opk was very clearly positive this morning at about 7 a.m. and we could potentially do the baby dance this evening around 6 p.m and again tomorrow morning.

I've included a screenshot of her opk's for the last few days and this morning. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any help is greatly appreciated!