My parents

There’s a back story, I got pregnant when I was 17 and husband was 19. My parents has hated him since and it got crazy once they found out I was pregnant. They called me so many names wish my husband dead etc, it was bad. The day of graduation I moved in with him and his parents. I cut the out of my life for 6 years they had no clue were I was or my daughter. Fast forward 6 years my grandfather passed away and my husband said I should call before something happens to them. Everything was good up until 2 years ago and it’s been crashing and burning fast. We moved 45 mins away instead of the 8 hour difference. They said they would help if we need etc basically telling us everything to get us here. Now I won’t let my kids stay with them because they are alcoholics, I’ve tried to talk to them but it becomes a fight. I’m emotionally drained. My husband and I are going strong at 13 years. Here’s the problem I don’t want to talk to them, call them or anything. I want them to come to us. My husband is a champ because they still hate him and talk crap about him. This has driven me insane and I feel like a horrible person because of the way they are treating us, but I’m trying to defend my family.