My life is a mess.

Lately I’ve struggled so much.

My life is seriously such a mess and I don’t know how to fix it. I’d love to run away and not look back but that’s obviously irrational.

Getting pregnant has ruined my marriage. We wanted this baby, we prayed for this.

But everything has been a disaster every since.

My once supportive husband has turned into a nightmare. He judges my pregnant body(things are barely changing so far!!!) and when things upset me he doesn’t care and doesn’t want to hear about them. He actually made a 🤢🤢 face when he saw how dark my nipples are getting. He hates going to doctor appointments with me because I get so nervous before them. Ivebeen so sick to the point of not leaving my bed some days and he gets frustrated the house doesn’t get cleaned up or his clothes don’t get folded. I was crying and so upset the other night because I just wanted to stop puking and he says “you’ve not even been sick long. You’re really being dramatic” I’m 13 weeks and been sick since the day I tested positive! When you’re puking blood and cant keep your head up from being so weak.. it doesn’t matter if it’s been a day or 2 months.

I’m finally getting some relief from my sickness with some medicine from the doctor but he’s still being so awful to me.

He doesn’t plan to get up with the baby at night. We discussed this before getting pregnant that even though I’m a SAHM he will still have to be dad when he gets home from work. But now that I’m pregnant he has no plans to help. I plan to breastfeed and bottle feed which he was all for until he realized that means I’m not the only one who can get up to feed at night. He says he has to have his sleep for work.

I’m such an idiot for getting pregnant and married to the wrong man.