What is happiness...? *Update*

I find myself quite confuzzled.

To start, yay to me for being pregnant, 3rd time with a hopefully sticky bean and momma to a precocious 4yr old boy that is super excited to be a big brother, proclaiming I am pregnant with a girl. Anywho, I work at a gas station as the 1st assistant store manager and the night before only had about 3.5-4hrs of sleep, so I'm not caring a whit about my looks. Honestly, I never have and my man likes that I keep things natural and not too "caked" with makeup or hair products. In particular this past week I have come down with a simple cold, with a chest cough.

A customer comes in, ranting to me about her being done with people, looks up to see me and says I already look like I'm beyond done as the one side of my head, which I had shaved down some months prior and have been letting grow out and with curly hair it'll go whatever way it pleases. Tbh, before her comments I might've been, but eh. I'm the assistant manager, I was stuck until a replacement could be found to take the next shift as one of the employees was very much late. I had also gotten done with a coughing fit before she walked in. As it was, I let her know my hair naturally does that and I have no inclination to use hair products to "tame" my hair. She starts commenting that I'm not happy, I don't even look happy and whatever situation I got going on at home I need to leave and "shop" the boys/guys that walk through my store. I say I am already in a happy relationship with a wonderful man and we have a son together, and she goes "Um, obviously not if he can't buy you hair care products." And starts talking about if I know my own worth. At that point another customer walks in and she leaves.

TLDR; how is the fact I'm miserable from being sick means I'm not happy in my relationship and my SO needs to buy me hair crap just to make me pretty which will equal me being happy???

Honestly, thank you guys for your comments, funny quips or gifs. Her comments seemed so surreal I felt compelled to share and see if anyone else has had such an encounter. I know that for the most part I shouldn't let her words get to me, but sometimes I wonder why society has made so that one feels compelled to comment about my lack of femininity with the use of hair care or makeup means I am unsatisfied or unhappy with my life and relationship.