Nighttime jealousy


It is so easy to become jealous of other mothers who's little ones sleep through the night early on. I breastfeed my son and he still does not sleep through the night. Most people know that breastfed babies tend not to sleep through the night for a very long time. Our milk just goes straight through them causing the need for frequent feedings even at night. I have several friends who's little ones are already sleeping through the night at barely 2 and 3 months old. I sometimes feel that twinge of jealousy because I am still up every 2 to 4 hours with my son. I know that this will not be a life long thing though and he will eventually allow me to sleep an entire night. No matter how you feed your baby or how soon or late they sleep through the night just know that you're doing a great job and try to enjoy these times while they're here because they disappear all to fast.