Is this toxic to my babies?

My babies father 2.5yr and 9mo old girls has put me thru the worse emotional roller coaster for the past 3.5yrs!! We met he was cheating I forgave bc we weren’t officially gf/bf I got pregnant he flipped out on me one night about $$ and told me to “get the fk out” this when I was 2 months pregnant!!! I went to work and to my girlfriends for 5 days he lost it apologizing has all his friends trying to convince me to return ..I went back bc I wanted to give this a shot for the baby. We have the baby all is great I go back to work and get pregnant with the 2nd one.. He takes me to the Bahamas to propose (but doesn’t bring the ring bc was afraid..) we have a huge fight the first night bc I was paranoid by Zika virus there..anyway made up again came home he gave me the ring but said I’d have to sign a prenup to which I said ok as long as you sign mine.. Baby #2 came no prenups got signed and now he’s changed his mind doesn’t want to get married!! In the meantime we were looking at houses he bought one and I’m putting my foot down for him to put me on the deed and that’s lingering although he’s said his lawyer is working on it... idk what to believe anymore.. I lost my job when pregnant w/2nd baby and he’s pretty much checkmated me. I’m so overwhelmed I feel I’m gonna break he just avoids me and calls me uncontrollable putting 100% of the weight of minding the babies on me bc he’s got to work...meanwhile we’re not married he’s making his $$ while I’ve given up my career to raise the kids :(...