💩 is getting real y’all...


The last two days it’s like everything has finally gotten intense. Physically, emotionally, mentally. My body aches and hurts...my pelvis and pubic bone, my hips, shoulder and neck. It’s hard to do all the things around the house that I want to do. My throat hurts. My fingers are numb. I feel like birth is this marathon that’s coming up and I can’t be physically prepared for it the way I want to...and it’s a surprise when it will start. I wasn’t nice to my poor DH because he’s been playing lots of video games and I felt like he wasn’t taking preparation or life things seriously. I had a three hour cry and panic attack about all the things I can’t control right now.


I just wanted to say you women are all super heroes. This is HARD. I was mostly sailing smooth till 37 weeks. But this journey obviously has a lot to teach me! Those of you with multiple kids...who are working multiple jobs...who are dealing with serious health complications...I salute you. It’s ok to cry and lose it because this is MAJOR. At least we have each other to lean on!
