Beginnings 😍

So, my husband and I met under odd circumstances; we were both in relationships at the time and we ended up attending the same Christmas party (he and my ex worked together) we were all 16-17 years old mind you - and at the time; being teenagers 🙄, I never really saw how awful my boyfriend was. However; we walk in together and up walks my future husband, hand out for a handshake and says "hello, I'm Will. You must be Mrs. D." Totally caught off guard I replied "woah, we are not married." And my wonderfully socially awkward husband says "well, no, that'd be weird.. you're his mom right?" Now; as clarification, I did look older than I was; but I definitely didn't look 37. Just saying.

So we didn't really get along to say the least, and I never went to another Christmas party with my ex because of that. Years later I ran into him at a party (after my ex cheated on me while I was at my father's funeral - I dumped him hard and decided to go to a party at a friend's house - like I said; my ex was a d-bag) and I introduced myself again, this time referring to myself as not my ex's mother. He had a nice save though; he just figured I'd have to be his mother because there's no way a beautiful girl like me would willingly date an idiot like that. My heart skipped a beat when he laughed, he got me a drink, we started talking about everything we surprisingly had in common and 7 years later #happilyeverafter

Do any of you ladies have weird happily ever after stories that made half your family cringe at the wedding? Lmao I'd love to hear them. 😜