More than a crush??

So there’s this boy I’ve liked ever since I laid eyes on him and found out what he was like. It’s been 8 years but the only interaction I’ve ever had with him is a few talks here and there, and they are only about school/something related. The main reason for this is because I get really nervous when he’s around and can never say the right thing... I also recently found out by one of my friends that you could see when I blush, so that’s a thing.. throughout our lives he has always acted like he had a certain interest in me, not always romantically but just as if he was trying to figure me out.

For as long as I can remember, he’s always stared at me a lot during class, and always tried to be near me whenever he had the chance.

At first I knew I had a crush on him, but for a while now I feel as if my feelings are only growing. He’s always on my mind, there’s not one day I go without thinking about him, and I tend to get more jealous when he’s around other girls talking to them. It’s mainly because he rarely talks to me so it obviously makes me loose hope he even has any interest. For a year I tried to forget about him because I felt as if he was just causing more problems for me but it didn’t work, it just made me think about him more.

I’m really stuck because my friends all say that he obviously likes me for a few other reasons too but I just can’t tell for sure! It would be a great help if someone could say whether I just have a crush on him or if it’s something more. I would also appreciate it if someone gave me some advice on what to do and how to get closer to him! I like him and want to find out if he likes me too but I don’t want a relationship yet, I just want to be close friends if that’s even possible..