i misscarried in april, i was 11 weeks along and was told my baby had no heartbeat and was measuring 9 weeks 5 days...
i had the worst experience ever when i misscarried; had to be rushed to the hospital due to TOO MUCH bleeding, was in the hospital for two days and to top it all off i fell in the hospital bathroom only making my bleeding worse!
i have been TTC ever since and the heart break has been unbearable! 
i cried and cried for weeks on end and sometimes for no reason at all! 
i have begun to feel better about the situation but i cant seem to be able to get pregnant again! 
i dont understand why? 
i was sure maybe this month was it...took three PT and got what seemed as two very very faint lines and believed that maybe this was finally it, like i was finally going to be pregnant again...i took a blood test yesterday only to call the office and find out today the results were negative! 
i am 14 DPO and 3 days late...have been feeling dizzy, crampy, and no AF yet! 
why does my body play these horrid games on me, and why cant i have a baby? 
what is wrong with me??!?