Handle this the right way or no?

okay so to start off i want to ask for no hate please & thank you. okay so i started my CNA course during the beginning of the course the person in charge of the program is like the one who takes the money ect but his wife is the teacher. i thought he was nice in the beginning always said hi to me when i came in. now me i’m a quiet person i don’t talk much and he always said i was so quiet so one day he’s like oh how come your always waiting for a ride to leave because when class is over he literally closes the place up and i would have to wait outside so he waits for me to leave and we are talking he’s like oh do you have a boyfriend i’m like yes he’s like oh nice what’s his name i’m like oh his name is let’s call him Darren so he’s like that’s nice how come he’s so late picking you up i’m like oh i uber home and left it at that now like 2 weeks go by mind you the course is 6 weeks and now he’s starting to get inappropriate and telling me how pretty i am and i should become a model and how i’m so skinny for having kids he knew i had kids because when i called i tried to get in the evening class instead of the morning since my child had school and my young one needed someone to watch her so i tried to get him to fit me in anyways so he’s like let me drive you home all the time i keep saying no i’m fine he’s like oh okay another time so every day he’s like your so beautiful so i tell him i’m feeling uncomfortable and would appreciate it if he would only talk to me about CNA i’m starting to avoid him but he’s the one i have to give my payments to so i’m on my last payment and he looks at the card and sees that it’s not my name so he’s like who’s card is this blah blah (he says to make sure i didn’t steal it or whatever) so i’m like it’s my mother in-laws she’s helping me make my last payment. so now the next day i come in he calls me in the office ( literally on my cell phone) so he walks in and calls me in i’m confused like i made my last payment i gave my TB test why am i being called in so he’s like oh i called you so i’m like oh didn’t know that was you but i don’t answer numbers i don’t know and i’m in class so he goes you don’t save your bosses number i’m like no there is no need to save your number so he says i looked up your boyfriend i know he’s in jail now i said his first name in the very beginning of attending the class so i’m like huh how do you even know his last name he’s like oh i looked up your other in-law because her last name looked familiar and he popped up so he’s telling me oh how do you do it without the affection so now i’m like listen it’s none of your business where he is how i met him nothing if you keep this up i’m going to go straight to your wife and then i will report you i asked you to leave me be unless it has to do with CNA and he says are you mad i’m sorry blah blah that was on the last day so now i only have clinical on Monday and i’ll be with his wife i decided not to attend the graduation but i told my boyfriend and he got mad at me saying i was to friendly and i’m soft i have no backbone because i wasn’t cussing him out and acting ratchet when i thought that i handled it pretty well and professional i mean when you have a problem with someone you work with or whatever you don’t cuss them out or make a scene you report them if they are harassing you to be it’s a place of business and i didn’t feel like i should have made a scene i made my point across and i’ll never see this man again once i pass clinical i talked to my bad mom and she said i handled it well and that i should just report him and that’s what i was going to do but he kept calling me stupid and said he hopes our daughter isn’t weak like me and soft it really hurt my feelings that he was turning it on me like i was the one who was saying it was okay ? i mean should i have acted differently?