My Miracle

Victoria • SAHM mom to three amazing kids 9 months, 2, 12 been married for 4 months but been with my husband 8 years the motto we live by is live your best life

I can't believe this little girl will be 1. She's truly my miracle baby. The drs couldn't find her heartbeat for almost a month. That was the scariest month of my life I knew that I had to keep faith. I kept hearing that they could see the sac but can't find her heartbeat. Yes I was an emotional wreck and my husband stood by my side. I had to be strong for our son. We finally went back to the Dr still no heartbeat so we did an ultrasound and found her. The tech told us that she was perfect she just liked to hide. I let out the biggest sigh of relief. After that at every appointment she was hiding and if we couldn't find a heartbeat I knew she was hiding. It was like a game too her. I had to be induced because I was in labor for a month with no progress. My water didn't break, I didn't dilate so nothing they could do. Once induced my labor progressed and after about 12hrs she was here. I call her my miracle and I'm blessed to have her. I'm blessed that my Dr didn't give up on us especially her. After having her I truly believe in miracles.