Unexpected IUI today, now the 2week wait

Dawn • Mommy to An Angel 💙Baby Erik💙2-2-18 TTC for our rainbow💖💜💙💛💚

Today I went in for what was supposed to be a ultrasound for a scheduled <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this Friday...but I told her late last night I had cramping on my right side where I had 2 follicles...well as she looked on the ultrasound she noticed i was right... My eggs had released. Luckily due to my intuition I had my husband meet me in case I needed his sperm (lol) so we were ready to go... I was supposed to trigger point Inject tomorrow but looks like my body ovulated on its own..well she said she didn't think it was too late seeing that it probably just had happened and hopefully those 2 follicles are just hanging out waiting for the sperm to make there way...Rainbow baby before Christmas would be the best present ever !!!!!!!