The domino effect


Does anyone else feel like their life is a row of dominos and if one thing goes wrong the whole thing goes down. And then when something does go wrong or something happens that upsets you it takes a while to get back to normal and your living with it constantly on your mind.

I feel like this.

I wish it would go away but I can never think of how to get the feeling to leave. The only way I can think of is to die but I wouldn’t ever think of suicide as a way to end it. BECAUSE I AM NOT SUICIDAL.

It’s just sometime I think it would be easier if my life stopped.

I don’t know where to go. I can’t talk to my parents as one works away and the other is always so busy and stressed. I can’t go to teachers. It’s like I’m stuck. I have a friend how feels the same and we talk to each other but we both need someone else to go to. Your opinions are appreciated.