14 month old still not sleeping thru night.


I am in desperate help. I need my 14 month old to sleep

Thru the night. I’m due in 2 weeks with my second and idk how I’m going to handle both of them waking up.

She slept through the night for about 2 eeeks. Yes we got a system down. Then the time changed happened...fml. She turned into a hot crying mess. Major fussiness and crying throughout the day and went back to her old habits at night. Waking 1-2x night. So idk what to do. I’ve tried letting her cry it out. Fed her. Cuddled her. Rubbed her back. Noise maker. Soothing music. Tried feeding her more at dinner.

She’s bottle fed, a few times a day. But wats normal food throughout. We put her to bed at 8 and by 8:30 she’s asleep. We do give her a bottle before bed too, 6 oz. and what ever she has ate prior to at dinner. Usually 6:30/7.